Art Painting Poetry Ruminations Uncategorized

Watercolour greens

IMG_0125how hypnotic

the sway of the greens

blurring and whirring

drunk eyes to awake

Buddhism Dogs Family Lake District loss Poetry Ruminations Uncategorized

She will walk with me


She will walk with me

through the gaping chasm

of my sorrow

down the shrouded vale

where ash meets pine

midst the gorging reeking

of the measly moss

she will walk with me

whisper sweet somethings

as we reach the spot

where Molly’s ashes drift

through the grieving keyhole

she will walk with me

as I stumble over the house

lost as an eyeless cat

“catch me catch ere I fall

oh the sadness of it all”

she will walk with me

hand in hand as we often were

hold me tighter she would say

hold me tighter now I say

she will walk with me

by the moonlit sea

to the bench we marked


before the calling came

too soon, too soon

my sweet angel face……

yet in the waning of the days

where the cherry blossom lays

she will walk with me

she will talk with me

Art Birds Drawing Lake District Painting Ruminations Uncategorized

Sale Fell

IMG_3987Sale Fell lies at the westerly edge of the English Lake District, looking out towards the Solway coast and the Scottish hills that lie over the water, whilst guarding the fringe of the north west fells that so dramatically margin this rugged landscape. It is a modest beauty combining  lovely walks, views, splendid birds (of which pied flycatcher and green woodpecker are good examples) and wonderful opportunities for picnics and breathers.It has an interesting geology with outcrops of pure white rock marking the top like sheep biologically washed in the latest washing powder. It has been the location of films, murders, passionate love embraces and probably much much more. May it long watch over us.

Art Drawing Painting Ruminations Uncategorized

Too Late Santa …. sorry


Here’s my Christmas card to all my avid readers, Sorry – I know its late but Santa dropped the parcel and couldn’t find it till now …. sorry. He’s been kept busy with a flooded house and a requirement to consume more than usual copious amounts of single malt Scotch whisky … sorry. But merry Christmas anyway and may the spirit of peace and joy inhabit your souls through this coming year. Sorry ……..

Art Lake District Painting Poetry Ruminations

The house and the hill

The house and the hill


beyond the forgetfulness of now

and the regretfulness of then

lies the beget fullness of the future

in all its yellow flowering

Art Drawing Painting Ruminations

Spring Awakening

Spring Awakening

As the cherry blossom

Fills the horizon

The politicians jostle

Art Drawing Lake District Painting Poetry Ruminations

Inky scratches on a windy day


seeing the changing world in shades

of black and white. A turning senses.

feeling the interruptions of the day

in a quivering vibration of tender wood

scratching the surface of our deliberation.

Art Haiku Lake District Painting Poetry Ruminations

The Power Station

The Power Ball

looming in the far distance

the machine knits a

commentary on our time

Art Drawing Painting Ruminations

Bee Happy


As the summer fades into autumn the life in the garden changes. Birds exhausted from a lovely summer’s rearing are quiet and the hum of insects dies to a soft murmuring. Ash keys populate the path whilst the late pink roses curl with the first nip of the coming cold. Down the greening slope of the orchard the evening shadows fall longer with the dipping sun. The happy bees call us to be happy ourselves at this magical turning of the world.

Art Drawing Painting Ruminations

Selfie 801


Its not really me

just a passing reflection

of something or other

that glided across the horizon

like the wave of a tug

eager to bring home

the Mersey faithful